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Our Trust of Schools

Parents Key Information

At St James we ensure that students are able to learn without disruption and distraction.

We work together to help everyone 'work hard and be kind' inside and outside the classroom. We do this through careful intervention and through the implementation of our behaviour policy.

Our positive partnership with parents is vitally important as we work together to educate and develop exceptional character in our students.

 How we can help? 

Communications will be made with parents via letter, email, text message and phone calls. It is vitally important that contact details are up-to-date so that we can communicate effectively.

Parents are encouraged to contact the student’s tutor or Head of Year to discuss any concerns they have.



St James provides a broad range of welfare and pastoral support for all students, targeted support for those who need something additional for a time, and specialist support for those who need something different to others in our school community.

Parents can access our links to advice and guidance from outside agencies from the links above.